Our annual subscription is £5.00, renewable on 1 January.
For new members joining after 30 June the £5.00 lasts until the end of the following year.

Ways to join or renew your membership

If paying on line please complete this form so that we can contact you; otherwise complete and print this paper form unless your contact details are unchanged.

Payment options.

  1. On line: Bank Transfer or Standing Order.
  2. Cash or Cheque (payable to "Wheelrights"). Please either hand or post it and the form with your contact details (unless unchanged) to our Treasurer. (His address is on the form.)

NB: Due to a technical problem the automatic email advising us of your payment is not working so when you have made a payment (by Bank Transfer or have set up a Standing Order) please email wheelrights32@gmail.com to let us know that you have paid. This will also let us know your name and email address, but please provide your postcode as well, as due to the problem we cannot access the form data. We will then check that the payment has been received and when it has let you know. Meanwhile we are trying to resolve the problem.