This page is about our current campaigning. Earlier campaigning is covered on this archive page.

20mph speed limit

This is Wheelrights response to the Welsh Government's invitation for feedback on the 20mph default law. It complements this earlier one submitted in July 2023.

Local Development Plan

This virtual exhibition outlines the proposed content of Swansea's 2023-2038 LDP. Consultation on it ended on 14 June. This is Wheelrights submission.

Uplands Living Streets Bus Survey

Here are two summaries of the survey carried out in the early summer of 2024. The first covers the essentials and the second provides detail of the responses.

A48 (Morriston): Development plans

The Council's Active Travel plans for 2024/25 include development of the A48 on Clasement and Pentrepoeth Roads. Consultation ended on 3 April 2024. These are Wheelrights and Cycling UK 's contributions. .

Countryside Access Plan

Early in 2024 Swansea Council invited comments on their draft Countryside Access Plan. This response has the authority of both Wheelrights and Cycling UK.

A cycling perspective

Chasing Rainbows is David Judd's perspective on provision for cyclists. Starting with developments across the UK, specifically Sustrans National Cycle Network, he then focusses on Welsh issues: the Active Travel Act and some local developments. Having worked for West Glamorgan County Council (as it was then) and later as Sustrans' SW Wales manager David is well qualified to give this perspective. He is now Wheelrights President.

GAP rejection

Swansea Council's application to construct the Gower Access Path across Clyne Common has been turned down. Read the 27 October Inspector's report. A revised plan (with the path on the south instead of the carriageway side of the road) is awaiting confirmation of approval by the Commoners. It is hoped to recommence work in 2025.

Bikes on Trains

This Bikes on Trains document has been produced by "Just Bikes" on behalf of Transport for Wales (TfW). It provides an overview of the provision that is being or has already been made for the use of trains by cyclists. It covers the services in Wales and the borders (as far east as Birmingham and Manchester); the focus is on active travel and covers access to stations and bike parking at them. There are also detailed descriptions of the arrangements for bike storage on trains. Complementing this are these photos which illustrate good European practice (and some not so good local provision). It is encouraging that most of the new trains provide more than the limit of two or four bikes currently available on most services.

Pennard Active Travel (PAT)

An increasing number of people are cycling to and from Pennard, many commuting to Swansea. We are therefore asking you to sign this new (August 2023) petition to get support for the changes needed to make this route safer for cyclists and other non-motorised road users. So far provision has been made from the coast up Mayals Road and work is underway across Clyne Common to Bishopston. It needs to be extended to Pennard.

The Missing Link

If you have not already done so please sign this petition to get the shared use path between Gowerton and Penclawdd completed. To date there have been over 1,000 signatures and the target is now 1,500. The need for it is well established. It has widespread support and should be given high priority.

Local residents have prepared this response to a Workshop held on 13 November 2023. It is addressed to both Mott MacDonald and Swansea Council.

Consultation on National Transport Delivery Plan

Wheelrights has sent this response to the invitation to comment on the NTDP. This reply from Lee Waters (Deputy Climate Change Minister) has been received.

Parking on Pavements

The problem of vehicles parking on pavements, in particular on shared use paths (SUPs) used by school children, is a current campaigning issue for Wheelrights. Blocking of the SUP on Sketty Road has highlighted this. If you are aware of other hot spot areas and can provide evidence, eg in the form of photos, please pass this on to our Secretary. (His contact details are on the About us page.)

Report on Active Travel Act

Wheelrights has sent this response to the invitation from the All Party Group to comment on the Active Travel Act.

Active Travel Network Map

In September 2021 Swansea Council provided a map divided into six sheets on which proposed ATNM routes are marked. It can be found on this website. Consultation on it was invited by 15 November 2021. Shortly before the deadline this Wheelrights response was emailed to Arcadis, with whom we had previously had discussions. Because it did not include the routes Wheelrights had selected for the ATNM this List of Wheelrights routes was also sent to Arcadis.

Previously, in the spring of 2021, there had been the Commonplace exercise in which the public were invited to place pins on a map of Swansea County and identify the cycle/pedestrain provision they would like to see. There was a strong response, including from Wheelrights.

Wales Transport Strategy (Llwybr Newydd)

This link takes you to the Consultation and related documents for the new Wales Transport Strategy. Click here for Wheelrights response.

Active Travel Guidance

The 2014 "Active Travel Act Design Guidance" has been superseded by this 2021 version. (Note that "Design" has been omitted from the title as it now covers more than just design.) Wheelrights submitted this consultation on the draft in February 2020.

Response to WG's low CO2 report

This report is Wheelrights response to a Welsh Gov. consultation paper on achieving Carbon emission targets.

Fabian Way Corridor

In the summer of 2022 Swansea Council invited letters of support for their latest plans for cycle provision in the Fabian Way Corridor. This was Wheelrights response drafted by John Sayce (Wheelrights Chair) and this Cycling UK's letter prepared David Naylor (CUK's Swansea rep.) There had previously been a consultation on earlier plans to which in January 2016 Wheelrights responded.