This used to be the cycling Infrastructure page but the name Routes is perhaps better understood. Information about routes on which to ride or commute can be found on the Rides page.

New cycle routes in Swansea

Following Swansea Council's success since 2018 in obtaining several million pounds from the Welsh Gov. to construct cycle routes in Swansea Wheelrights, Routes Group are keeping an eye on them. This map provides an overview. More detail is provided on the four maps: SW Swansea, NW Swansea, SE Swansea and NE Swansea. Colours distinguish between completed routes (green; dark red for the NCN), those currently on the pipeline, ie under construction or planned, (amber) and potential routes (blue). Red is used to show routes which require improvement. Since the Council produced their ATNM (Active Travel Network Map) in late 2022 the Council's route number corresponding to Wheelrights identifier is shown in ( ). eg "NG (131)" for the North Gower route.


Aware of the need for barriers on cycle routes to be navigable by tandems, tricyles, bikes with trailers and wheelchair users as well as ordinary bicycles Wheelrights have been checking them. This Barriers document lists barriers which do not meet the Welsh Active Travel guidelines. These require a minimum width of 1.5m between bollards, chicane barriers and gates. We have only applied this to staggered bollards noting that there are a some barriers in Swansea on well used routes which comprise a straight row of bollards with only 1.2m clearnce between them which do not appear to have caused problems. The plan is to continuously update the document, adding new unacceptable barriers and removing those which have been modified to meet the guidelines.


The revised (2022) Highway Code makes it clear that users of paths alongside busy roads have priority over traffic turning across the path at minor junctions. Wheelrights have been checking them. We have prepared this Junctions document to list junctions where the priority needs to be made clear, eg by means of distinctive surface colouring and/or a white line path border. As with the Barriers document junctions will be removed from the list when the necessary action has been taken.

Rural Routes (on Gower Peninsula)

On 12 March 2022 a Gower Routes Workshop was held as a follow up to the 1 May 2018 Rural Routes Workshop. These notes record it, and this map updates that produced after the earlier workshop. It shows aspirational cycle routes on the Peninsula.

Swansea Bay cycle routes

A key map to cycle routes in Swansea and also a journey finder can be found on this 'Bayways' website.
Over the years Wheelrights Routes Group have prepared reports on prospective cycle routes. Links to these follow. Some earlier ones are provided on our Infrastructure archives page.
Bay Campus.
This audit was prepared following reports of near-misses by Baldwins Bridge. It proposes measures to make the route safer.
Carmarthen Road
Wheelrights in this report to the Council make a strong case for Carmarthen Road to be made an Active Travel corridor.
Cross Valley. (Morriston to Gorseinon part.)
Cycle infrastructure has been provided on part of this section since Wheelrights prepared this report in 2015. However work on the section east from Llangyfelach to the valley is planned for 2024 so this report continues to apply.
Eaton Road.
This note is Wheelrights response to the invitation to consult on the plans for improving cycle provision on this road.
Gower Access Path (GAP)
This brief report summarises key points relating to the cross-section and layout of the proposed new path across Clyne Common. It has been prepared by a member of the GAP working group and is intended to assist Swansea Council provide a suitable path. This feedback was received during a public consultation on 1 July 2019.
NCR 4 Loughor Bridge to Gowerton.
Wheelrights lobbying to get the northern shared use path across Loughor Bridge widened and its eastern approach improved have at last borne fruit. This work was carried out early in 2020. Prior to this Swansea Council commissioned this 63 page 'Options' report. It includes recommendations for the above work (now complete) and also options for improving NCR 4 from Culfor road to Gowerton. This short summary covers the report's recommendations.
Mayals Road. (Link to Blackpill Toucan.)
This proposal to provide a link from Mayals Road to the Toucan crossing at Blackpill updates the 20 July 2020 version to take into account the work that has been done on Mayals Road.
Railway Station links
This report. proposes options for making the infrastructure in the vicinity of the Railway Station more cycle/pedestrian friendly. It was produced at the request of cllr Nick Davies at a CAP meeting.
Tirpenry. (A proposed new route.)
Click here. for the report.
Walter Road.
This brief report concerning plans to make Walter Road cycle friendly is based on a site visit on 16 October 2018.

Advanced Stop Lines (ASLs)

Wheelrights have offered to assist the Council by suggesting locations for ASLs. This drawing shows those proposed so far. If you can add to this please email David your suggestion. The drawing will be updated from time to time, and be vetted by the Council prior to implementation.

Models to follow

There are two videos here which show how serious traffic congestion can be eased to the benefit of all. The first is about the transformation of the Cheshire Village of Poynton and the second about New York. There are lessons here for Swansea, in particular the Kingsway.


Older material is stored on this Archives page.